The course of action for the New Vedic Solar Year is to Stand Up and Stand Out...
Rise Above the Crowd
Rise Above the Crowd

- Others getting recognition and not you?
- Getting passed by for promotion at work?
- Your team or staff not committed to getting the job done and done right?
- Not getting the respect at work or from your family?
- Partner not as devoted or committed as they could be - even unfaithful?
- Not able to do that great or noble 'thing' in your life?
- Feeling that there is no justice - that life isn't fair?

He is Lord Rama is the 7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu born into the world, all virtuous and powerful. Ram Navami is the name given to his birthday. He was born on the 9th waxing moon phase of the 12 month of the vedic solar year which is April 12th this year.
One of Rama's Many Strengths= He is the 'Express Elevator'
The great Vedic Wisdom Epic the Ramayana, Rama elevated many from their situation. The first was the planet Rahu. At Rama's birth, Rahu was in Sagittarius which previously was considered an inauspicious placement in the birthchart. Rahu was later attributed to being the influence that gave everything back to Rama that He had once lost, like his kingdom.
He made Monkeys divine, a warrior a king, hunter his brother and elevated many others. Rama can elevate you too from any 'lowly' and unsatisfactory situation you find yourself in. Connect with Rama and rise effortlessly and quickly.
Rama embodied all virtues too. He had qualities that no person on earth could follow but through a connection to Him now, you can embrace all that He stands for.

This year on Ram Navami you can Rise Up with Rama's Grace and with Rahu being in Sagittarius, just as it was when Rama entered this earth plane, the supporting energy has the unique quality to bring back all you may have lost.