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Balance Your Cosmos and Karma Planets are Here to Bless You

Cosmos and Human Destiny

Astronomically speaking, the planets in our Solar System affect the Earth physically with their large electro-magnetic and gravitational field interactions. They have subtler influences as well.

Astrologically, the planets or 'Grahas' are all forms of consciousness. Through their rotations, revolutions and transits through the constellations, they give rise to changes in our natural environment and our beings.

Vedic Astrology or 'Jyotisha' is the oldest most time-tested system of astrology in the world. The Sanskrit word Jyotisha means "science of light." The origin of Jyotisha is from the Vedas, the Ancient Wisdom Texts. It is the science of understanding the subtle influences that come to us from the greater cosmos; more specifically the 9 planets that are said to influence the human destiny on Earth the most.

Vedic Astrology recognises 9 Planets or 'Navagrahas' in particular; the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.


What Part of Me Does Each of the 9 Planets Rule?

Suryanar Koil

Suryanar Koil is one of the Navagraha temples and is dedicated to Surya, the first among the Navagrahas (9 Planets). Each of the other planets has a separate shrine and interestingly, the Navagraha idols here are present without weapons depicting their protective aspect. The planets represents our consciousness and now are the chance to balance your cosmos and destiny!

Read More on Suryanar Koil

Karma and Astrology

Humans have a spiritual nature and Vedic astrology was set to use a guide to help us in realizing our true selves. Vedic astrology helps us to realize that each soul is learning its lessons, which can only be learned under specific sets of circumstances. We come to know that astrological prediction comes true because the soul is guided by Higher Beings, or the planets.

Astrological Prediction The Law of Karma explains the pattern of our lives, starting from birth. Without this Law, astrology makes little sense. Vedic astrology includes both the aspect of fate and that of free will. Fate as per Karma means that our present condition is the result of our past actions from previous lives. The outer events of our present life are ruled by past Karma and can be difficult to change. Free will as per Karma means that we shape our future by our present actions.

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Karma is Transferrable

Vedic astrology provides proactive ways of dealing with our Karma. According to Vedic astrology, spiritual practices, like remedial rituals, Yoga, prayer and meditation neutralize the effects of a bad or unfavorable astrological chart. Vedic astrology helps us to realize our true self, and helps us to know the divinity of the soul.

It provides a clarification of your Karma. Vedic astrology alleviates what is perhaps the greatest fear for human beings, uncertainty and anxiety about the future. It helps us navigate confidently through the confusing waves of Karma, aware of our outer destiny and our inner timeless self as well.

9 Planets at Suryanar Koil- No Cursing Only Blessings

Suryanar Koil For the first time, you can appease the unfavorable and strengthen the favorable planets in your chart at one temple. Suryanar Koil is a temple dedicated to the Sun, but it also has a separate shrine for all of the other planets. The Navagraha idols here are present without weapons depicting their protective aspect. Guru or Jupiter is depicted here as offering worship to Surya.

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