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Venus Transit in Leo on 15th September, Know the Effects on You

Shukra, the planet Venus is set to transit in the sign of Leo on 15th of September, this year. Regarded as the Guru of the Asuras, the demons, Shukra is the ruler of the 3rd and the 10th houses in a horoscope, which are considered the incremental houses for the natives of Leo. The movement of the powerful Venus will have its own impact and let us now get to know, the effects this event may have on the lives of the people of all the 12 ascendants:

Aries – Love entering life seems a possibility for the Aries born, but, this may not become a reality. Expectations may not materialize, not only on matters of love, but even in speculations, which may cause heartburns. However, friendship may play an important role during the period, and the natives can have and enjoy a good time with old and new friends.

Taurus – The period may not be very good for the Taurus born. There may be unwanted developments in respect of immovable properties; health may cause concern, with breathing disorders; disputes at workplace may be unsettling, giving rise to thoughts of change of job or even residence; and some may have to undertake short travels and stay away from family. However, there may be business gains, with help from government employees.

Gemini - Unnecessary travels and losses are seen for the Geminis. Relationship may sour, especially with younger siblings and neighbours, while new friendship may develop with people of opposite sex. Some may go abroad and some others can have family picnics. Children may gain with the help of relatives.

Cancer - Venus transit predicts good times for the Cancer born, as there will be all round benefits. Businessmen may prosper. And so will be the brokers dealing in real estate. Seeking relatives’ help can help in success and financial gains. There may also be acquiring of immovable properties.

Leo – Concentration and commitment to work will increase. People will maintain an amiable frame of mind, and this can make them, cheerful and humorous. A strong romantic feeling will increase intimacy with partner. However, a sort of overconfidence may prompt some to be unfairly critical of others and find fault with them. This attitude will backfire in the long run, Leos beware!

Virgo – Venus transit doesn’t portend a good period for the Virgos. Luck will ditch the natives. There may be heavy financial losses. Hence, better to avoid speculative trades during this time and also, good to refrain from taking decisions on money matters. People may also end up spending lavishly, just to maintain status. However, people can enjoy life’s comforts and undertake pleasure travels.

Libra – A welcome period is in store for the Librans. Some intelligent thinking and smart moves may give handsome gains from unexpected sources. Things will ease overall, with the willing cooperation of family and friends. Some roadblocks may crop up suddenly, which, people will have the strength to overcome.

Scorpio – Career will see an upswing and so will be business, and it is for the determined Scorpios to work for getting the maximum advantage out of them. Any endeavor undertaken, will succeed. Helping hands will be around, especially in the form of seniors and people from opposite sex. New friends will also play a crucial role in their success story.

Sagittarius – A good period in general with some small hiccups is seen. Benefits will accrue from family elders and seniors. Luck will keep smiling, as there will be betterment in working conditions and also, income. Pilgrimages and travels will be beneficial. The lucky Sagittarians are advised to remain grateful and good.

Capricorn – Extreme caution is advised for the Capricorn born, as the 9th, 10th and the 11th lords will be in their 8th house, during the period. Some sudden and totally unexpected development may cause serious harm to their reputation, along with financial losses. Better to adopt a low profile and not to give in to negative emotions, like anger and aggression. Inheritance may give some relief, nevertheless.

Aquarius – This will be a mixed period. While singles may find partners and people may enjoy physical pleasures, they may not have emotional stability. Business will see ups and downs. It is better for the Aquarius born, to remain focused on the work on hand and accept things as they come.

Pisces – There can be transitional upheavals. But Venus is a do-gooder for the Pisces, and he may bestow them with goodness and gains. Courage will drive them to be adventurous and put in special efforts, during this time, which can work to their strong advantage.

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