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Online Match Making - How to Succeed and Find the Love of Your Life

Online Match Making, an Introduction

The development of modern technology has contributed to the prevalence and popularity of the online Match Making process. Online Match Making is essentially the blending of the traditional system of matching the personality, characteristics and requirements of the prospective bride and groom, before they are united in the marital bond, with the technological innovation and advancement, and the comforts and facilities provided by them.

Dating may sound to be a modern term but it can actually be said to be having a traditional base. Broadly, It is nothing but the search for a perfect life partner, with whom, a boy or a girl is going to unite for a long standing marital relationship. It can also be considered as the beginning of the journey that a boy and a girl take towards an intimate relationship. However, the process as such may differ from country to country and from culture to culture. As technology started developing, a sort of a revolution began taking place in the conceptualization of dating, with a change in people’s approach and practices. This Dating forms an important part and plays a crucial role in the online Match Making process.

For Online Match making to Succeed

The aspect that is of crucial importance in online Match Making is what is called the Dating Profile. This is nothing but a personal advertisement which provides details about one’s own personality, beliefs, preferences, likes and dislikes. It is this dating profile which really projects and ‘sells’ an individual to like-minded people, one of whom may turn out to be the life partner, that the person is so eagerly looking for. If this profiling is ambiguous or incomplete or outright wrong or false, this may send out a misleading message, and that may result in heartbreak at a later stage of the match making process or even in an incompatible and painful marriage.

Hence, for the online Match Making to be purposeful, fundamentally, a person should know oneself thoroughly and also, what he or she wants and expects. Then, he or she should list out his or her personal details, beliefs, philosophies, practices, interests, expectations and all information that the person thinks as important, with precision and honesty. This can make the dating profile clear and unambiguous. The users should be aware that any lacunae in the profiling either due to carelessness or oversight, can prove to be that person’s undoing.

A listing as under can help in narrowing down the choices and in making the process more purposeful.

Must Haves - A person can list under this head, things which are part of his very personality itself. These can be things which are very dear to him or her, are non-negotiable and which the person cannot do without. The partner that the person is looking for, should absolutely be agreeable for the items covered under this head.

Good to Have – Things which the person is fond of and will be happy to have, can be listed under this head. However, the individual can do without these, provided, all the requirements under ‘Must Haves’ are met.

Not to Have, a Strict No-No – These are things that the person loathes and just cannot stand or accept. Food habits like vegetarianism/ non vegetarianism and other habits like smoking and drinking should definitely form part of this.

To make a success of online Match making, it is important that one puts one’s best foot forward, highlighting the unique personality traits and positive attributes, with honesty. If done, finding the love of one’s life and leading a blissful life of togetherness with that right partner, cannot be far away. For more :

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