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Amavasya 9 Sep 2018

Bhadrapada Amavasya is something special. It is in this month that the Amavasya occurs in the Zodiac sign Leo. Being the 5th Zodiac sign of the Natural Zodiac and also for the reason that it is owned by the Pitru Karaka “Sun” observing fast or performing rituals on this Amavasya offers quick relief from long pending troubles.

Once in a year, the union of the Sun and the Moon takes place in the sign Leo. This Amavasya both the Sun and the Moon are in the star PurvaPhalguni ruled by Venus. The star lord Venus is well placed in its own sign Libra along with Jupiter. Mars aspects the Sun and Moon present in the sign Leo. Mercury is present along with the combination of the Sun and Moon. The Amavasya falling on a Sunday is considered powerful to offer solutions to long pending problems. The Star PurvaPhalguni indicates contracts or Union. Worshipping Goddess Mahalakshmi on this day or donating water or sweet porridge on this Amavasya ensures Prosperity and Peace in family. It also means the Children in your home would prosper in all their endeavors without obstacles. They would find the right balance in their life.

Mantra to be Chanted

Sidhi Budhi Prade Devi

Bukthi Mukthi Pradhaayinee

Mantra Moorthe Sadaa Devi

Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe

Meaning of the Mantra

  • The Goddess who grants Knowledge and accomplishment
  • The Goddess who bestows Prosperity and Liberation
  • The Goddess who acknowledged in the form of Mantras
  • I salute upon Goddess Mahalakshmi who grants wishes
  • Things to do

  • Clean/ mop your house with water mixed with a pinch of rock salt and turmeric.
  • Be in Contemplation throughout the day.
  • Observe Fasting if your Health Permits.
  • Donate Water/ Milk/ Sweet Porridge made of Wheat.
  • Stay away from inauspicious words and activities.
  • Avoid Non Vegetarian cuisine and if possible outside food.
  • Be grateful to your forefathers. Remember them wholeheartedly.
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