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Love, Marriage Predictions with Date of Birth

Different people in the world possess different and distinct characteristics of their own. These are said to be governed by various factors like the date and time of birth, birth star, Zodiac sign etc. The date of birth is also considered as one such important factor contributing to the personality traits. Predictions about love and marriage in the life of an individual can also be made based on the date of birth and here, let us see what the various dates have in store for the individuals born in them.

For this study, the date of births of 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th are all taken to fall under the Number 1; 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th are all taken as Number 2; and so on, up to Number 9.

Number 1

People born under number 1 are natural leaders. Commanding personalities that they are, they cannot be forced into anything against their wish. They may marry their sweet hearts, whom they consider special in some way. They are more practical than emotional even in love life, and prove to be refined lovers and loyal partners.

Number 2

Number 2 people are sensitive, sensual and also, imaginative. They are governed by the heart and can be temperamental. It is more mental connect and compatibility than physical, that matters to them in love and marriage. Still, they excel in physical relationships too and prove to be great lovers. Love and family lives will be of paramount importance to them.

Number 3

Number 3 born are practical, who will follow their heads rather than the hearts in matters of love and marriage. They are somewhat self-centered, which can make them dictate terms to their partners. They are also more career oriented than romantic. It will do good to the marital life of the people born in Number 3, if they curtail their domineering nature and also, if their partners understand and adjust with them.

Number 4

People born with their date of birth as Number 4 are generally unconventional and may be short tempered. While some may be loyal in marital relationships, some may even have liaisons outside marriage. These people may have to be careful about their conduct and have a check on their temper, for their love and marriage to remain stable.

Number 5

Number 5 people are versatile by nature and this tends to make them capricious too. Often, they may get tired of the existing and look for new things, even in love life. They may thus develop many relationships before marriage, but will expect perfection from their partners. They can be good in matters of physical love and will be practical in relationships.

Number 6

People born under Number 6 are very attractive in matters of love and romance. They are also very emotional, though some may be highly calculative. These people look for strong emotional compatibility with their life partners, for a satisfied marital life. They are also sensual lovers and their magnetism can make them a matter of attraction for the opposite sex.

Number 7

Number 7 people are dreamy characters, who also remain as powerful thinkers. They attach tremendous importance to their emotional connect with their lovers and partners. They are generally loyal, but tend to take even minor issues as major by their over thinking. It is better for them to speak openly and clear misunderstandings with partners, then and there.

Number 8

People born under Number 8 are highly emotional. They simply follow the heart in matters of love and are not practical. Though loyal they are often misunderstood in relationships. Thus, while they remain intensely attached to their partners, compatibility issues may crop up in marriage unless they temper their emotions with practicality.

Number 9

Number 9 people are highly energetic and aggressive. They are sensuous and attach great importance to physical satisfaction in marital life. Some of the men can develop contacts outside marriage, but essentially they remain emotionally attached to their partners and to their families.

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