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Showing posts from July, 2011

Balance Your Cosmos and Karma Planets are Here to Bless You

Cosmos and Human Destiny Astronomically speaking , the planets in our Solar System affect the Earth physically with their large electro-magnetic and gravitational field interactions. They have subtler influences as well. Astrologically , the planets or 'Grahas' are all forms of consciousness. Through their rotations, revolutions and transits through the constellations, they give rise to changes in our natural environment and our beings. Vedic Astrology or 'Jyotisha' is the oldest most time-tested system of astrology in the world. The Sanskrit word Jyotisha means "science of light." The origin of Jyotisha is from the Vedas, the Ancient Wisdom Texts. It is the science of understanding the subtle influences that come to us from the greater cosmos; more specifically the 9 planets that are said to influence the human destiny on Earth the most. Vedic Astrology recognises 9 Planets or 'Navagrahas' in particular; the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury