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Showing posts from March, 2020

Celebrating Goddess Shakti on International Women’s Day

Shakti: The Feminine Principle Shakti is a Sanskrit word that denotes feminine energy. The word Shiva-Shakti expresses the balance of male and female energy, with Lord Shiva representing male energy. When the two energies are balanced, the world would be more just, compassionate, and equitable. But currently, it has excessive masculine energy on account of which female energy is oppressed and suppressed. Due to this, the world is in a state of imbalance. The truth is, the world needs more of Shakti. Feminine energy has the power to create and nurture. It expresses love and compassion, and its impulse is to protect and preserve everything. It is the active, dynamic, and creative force that manifests out of the void. Shakti, who is also called Adi Shakti or Adi Para Shakti, personifies the energy that creates, sustains, and destroys. In Hinduism, it is often referred to as "The Great Divine Mother". Hindus believe that Shakti is behind both Srishti or creation, and a