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Showing posts from January, 2020

Maha Shivaratri 2020

Maha Shivaratri , or the great night of Shiva, is a once-a-year opportunity to invoke Shiva’s Grace during his descent to the earth plane for prosperity, fulfillment of wishes, as well as the removal of sins, disease, and debts.

Thai Amavasai : Ancestors Remembered

Amavasai is synonymous with ancestral worship. Also called as Amavasya, it denotes the Moon phase of Amavasai thithi, and remains as the New Moon day of the month. Thai Amavasai The Tamil month ‘Thai’ is the period that beings in hope, auspiciousness, promise, and  prosperity . In the English calendar, this corresponds to the middle of January to mid-February. Apart from being the harvest time that rings in plenty and joy to the people, especially the farmers, Thai has its religious significance too. The birth of the month also signals the beginning of Uttarayan, the time when the Sun, finishing its southward journey, turns towards the northern direction. This Uttarayan is highly auspicious, and this is borne out by the fact that Bhishma, the legendary warrior of Mahabharatha in his  death  bed, waited only for its advent for shedding his mortal coil. Thai Amavasai Ancestors Remembered The first day of Thai and also that of Uttarayan is observed as  makar shankr