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Guide to Horoscope Matching

What is a horoscope?

A horoscope is an astrological chart or diagram representing in it, the positions of the Sun, Moon, the planets and other astrological aspects. Also known as the birth chart or the natal chart of an individual, it serves as a map of the heavenly bodies over a specific location at a particular moment in time, which normally happens to be the place and time of birth of the person concerned. A horoscope is a unique karmic map that presents an opportunity for a person to know about his or her past and present, and also delve into the future.

What is horoscope matching?

There are quite a few important factors that make a human life worth living in this world. While, a crucial one among these factors is good affinity, it is the congenial relationship between a husband and wife, that counts the most for a satisfying life. Hence elders in India, who celebrate traditional marriages known as arranged marriages, attach great importance to the compatibility factor between the prospective bride and groom. This concord between the two is assessed through the process of Horoscope Matching (Kundali Matching)
, where the birth charts of both are studied for their agreeability. This Horoscope Matching will act as an indicator to show if the boy and the girl can make a good pair and lead a happy married life together.

Factors of Agreement

While the methodology of horoscope matching comes from very ancient times, there are 10 factors of agreement in vogue today that are looked into for a marital alliance. These are known as poruththams and more precisely, as dasama poruththams, the top ten Compatibility Factors in the horoscope. These poruththams are assessed based mainly on the study of the birth stars or nakshatras of the boy and the girl.

What are the Compatibility Factors looked for in horoscope matching?

The compatibility factors (poruththams) in horoscope matching can be listed as

  • Nakshatra Poruththam or Dina Poruththam
  • Rasi Poruththam
  • Gana Poruththam
  • Yoni Poruththam
  • Rajju Poruththam
  • Raasi Athipathi Poruththam
  • Mahendhra Poruththam
  • Stree Dheerkha Poruththam
  • Vasiya Poruththam
  • Vedha Poruththam
  • Among these, the six factors- Dina(m), Rasi, Gana(m), Yoni, Rajju and Mahendra are considered more important; but even of these, Rajju is considered most important, followed by Mahendra and Dina(m).

    What do the compatibility factors signify?

    Nakshatra or Dina Poruththam, indicates the long life and good health of the couple.

    Rasi Poruththam, shows the agreement of their rasis, the zodiac signs. This denotes good mental compatibility between them and also remains as a pointer for problems with children.

    Gana Poruththam, represents temperamental compatibility between husband and wife and is of three types, which are Deva, the good; Manusha, a mixture of good and bad; and Rakshasa, the rude and aggressive.

    Yoni Poruththam, points to sexual compatibility. Agreement in this is considered so important that if there is a mismatch in this, marriage is unlikely to be proceeded with.

    Rajju Poruththam, is perhaps the most important consideration for horoscope matching. Rajju means mangalsutra, the sacred thread that a man ties to a woman to solemnize the marriage and make her his wife. Rajju represents the very life of the husband and tradition regards the long life of the husband as an invaluable asset of a married woman. Rajju poruththam is an indicator of this important factor and no surprise that this factor is taken as so critical that even if all other factors agree but for Rajju, still it is advised that the alliance should be avoided. A group of stars have a common Rajju, and for an agreement in this, the Rajjus of the boy and girl should be different.

    Rasi Athipathi Poruththam, shows the status of the birth stars of the man and woman and their Lords. For an agreement in this factor, these should be in good terms with each other and friendly. This will make the couple a compatible match, but otherwise, there is the danger of the marriage not lasting.

    Mahendra Poruththam, stands for wealth, children, longevity and well-being. This is also an important factor, as, even if Dina and Rasi Athipathi poruththams are not there but Mahendra Poruththam is there, the horoscopes can be considered as matching.

    Sthree Dheerkha Poruththam, tells about the girl’s life span and whether she will predecease her husband. This can also be taken as an pointer to the partner’s prosperity and well-being after marriage.

    Vasiya Poruththam, speaks about the couple’s mutual attraction, adjustability, love and affection.

    Vedha Poruththam, indicates affliction or distress. This factor is an indication of lack of love and affection between the partners and trouble in their paradise. When the birth stars of the man and woman are inimical to each other, their horoscopes are not considered as matching well. An agreement in this factor can ward off various miseries in married life.

    Thus horoscope matching holds great significance for an enjoyable marital relationship and for the blissful conjugal life of a couple.

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