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Steps to Observe Pournami Vratham (Fasting on Full Moon Day)

Importance of Pournami Fasting

Pournami refers to the full Moon day which is considered to be a very auspicious time for Hindus. Most households in India observe a fast or Vratham to ring in the occasion of the bright full Moon, which generally occurs once in a fortnight. However, the Pournami Vrathams during the months of Adi, Karthigai, Vaikasi and Maasi assume much more significance since they are observed during the holy periods of the year. The Pournami day ushers in a lot of positive energies and is thus considered propitious for new beginnings and observing religious practices, as this is likely to culminate in favorable outcomes. Observing a fast and offering prayer to the Gods on this day enhances the prospects of tuning into spiritual energies and acquiring divine blessings.

How Pournami Fasting is Observed

People generally start the day by waking up early, having bath and offering prayers during the Brahma Muhurtham period of the day (4.00 am to 6.00 am). This is considered extremely auspicious as it is believed that chanting prayers at this time will reach the Gods and bring down their blessings. People who observe a fast also perform several Poojas in keeping with the sanctity of the day. The Satyanarayan Pooja dedicated to Lord Vishnu constitutes an important and integral ritual while observing Pournami Vratham. Worshiping various Gods and Goddesses, reading holy scriptures and reciting hymns are the other important rituals observed during the fasting period. Many people completely abstain from consuming any type of food or liquid during the fasting period during the Pournami Vratham. However, some people consume water and milk, while some have fruits and some have only a single meal. The fasting period lasts from dawn to dusk, and people break the fast after sighting the moon and observing prayers in the evening.
Pournami Vratham Worship Generally, people worship all the three primary Gods in the Hindu trinity, comprising of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Vishnu is the preserver and protector of the universe and is responsible for the sustenance of all animate and inanimate beings. He is the benefactor of the good and restorer of order in the world. Shiva is the supreme God of destruction and transformation, with the ultimate purpose of bringing about positive change in the world. Brahma is the creator God and the embodiment of all intellect from which springs forth all ideas, wisdom and knowledge. Worshiping all three Gods together on Pournami day confers the individual with manifold blessings to lead a meaningful, happy and fruitful life.
Observing a fast not only purges the mind and soul of negativity, but also serves to cleanse the body of harmful toxins. Offering prayers with a clean mind and body is sure to bring down the combined blessings of all the Gods. However, it should be remembered that observing a fast is not mandatory and those who are on medication for some purpose or the other are advised to keep a watch of their health. Only a healthy body can nurture a healthy mind, and only a healthy mind can focus on prayer.

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