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The Four Legends of Shanishingnapur

Shanishingnapur, an Introduction

Shanishingnapur is considered the most famous abode of Lord Shani. Shani is one of the Navagrahas, the powerful planets and remains perhaps as the most feared divinity. Here, Lord Shani appears in the form of a large stone and devotees do all worships and perform many rituals dedicated to Shani Dev, to this rock with faith. Shanishingnapur is famous all over the world as a place where no doors exist for the houses and establishments.

Legends of Shanishingnapur

Four legendary statements can be made with respect to Shanishingnapur, the hallowed abode of Shani Bhagavan. These are 1. There is God, but no temple; 2. There is a home, but no door; 3. There is a tree, but no shade; and 4. There is fear, but no enemy.

Let us now see in brief, how each of these profound statements is true:

There is God, but no temple

Shanishingnapur remains definitely as Lord Shani’s abode, but there is no shrine as such in the conventional sense here. Shani Jayanti is so great that he doesn’t need to live in or under anything in this place. Hence, there is no roof for the deity here, as he stands in the open. Thus, in his idol form, he stands there in hot Sun, severe cold, heavy rains and even in terrible storm, day and night, simply unprotected, but still unaffected and graceful. He is there to destroy the evil all around so that the human beings, other living things and even nature can remain in peace. It is said that some attempts that were made earlier to build a roof above him but ended up being unsuccessful, and that the Lord himself had appeared in dreams and declared that he needs no structure above him here. Thus, Shani, the God, is very much present here, but there exists no temple for him, as such.

There is a home, but no door

People live in houses in Shanishingnapur too, just as they do anywhere else in the country and the world. But, houses will definitely have doors, essentially for protection. But Shani remains as the Lord, protector and savior of the village of Shanishingnapur and hence, people here, for a very long time, have not felt the need for having doors in their houses at all. Thus, the village of Shanishingnapur and the area spread to about 16 square kilometers around it, are without doors and even windows. With no doors, where is the question of there being latches or locks, and hence, these too are non-existent in the place. Facilities like almirahs and boxes too are not said to be there in many houses here. It is an amazing fact that hardly any crimes or thefts have taken place here and in odd cases when these have happened, the culprits have got immediate and exemplary punishments from the God himself. Only curtains are hung in houses here, to keep stray animals, strong sunlight, etc. away. Hence, ‘no door’ homes are normal here.

There is a tree, but no shade

There is a neem tree to the north of the stone idol of Shani Bhagavan here. When the tree grows, its branches and leaves used to come protruding above the idol. It is said by the devotees that even then, the shade of the tree never used to fall on God’s image. It is also said that when the branches start extending near the top of the idol, those used to get burnt or broken, and fall off automatically, without causing harm to anyone or to the idol. It is also said that once a lightning struck the tree and it was burnt completely. However, miraculously, it became alive and green the very next day. However, this tree does not exist there now. Thus, a tree that casts no shade was there in Shanishingnapur.

There is fear, but no enemy

Shani Bhagavan can perhaps be termed as the most feared divine entity. Going by the troubles and tribulations that people have to face during the Saturn ruled Shani Dasha and Sade Sati periods, people have started viewing this planetary Lord with dread. Yes, Shani is definitely considered as an ashubhaGraha, an inauspicious planet, but he is actually a great benefactor. He is a just and fair divinity who gives results strictly as per one’s own karmic deeds. He is also merciful to the humble devotees who worship him with sincerity, and can relieve them of their sufferings and bless them with many good things in life. It is time people stop blaming this benevolent Lord for the sufferings that they undergo in lives on account of their own past sins, and instead seek his mercy and blessings for their welfare. He is no enemy, but still there is fear about him, and this, people can remove from their minds and live a free and confident life with divine protection.

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