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Positive shades of Sani Dev Sade Sati

Sani Dev Sade Sati

The term ‘Sani Dev Sade Sati’ literally means ‘Lord Sani’s Seven and a Half’ and denotes the 7 ½ year period of Sani, the planet Saturn. While Saturn itself remains to be the feared planet, this period in particular is considered astrologically, as a time of trials and tribulations.

This ‘difficult’ period begins when Saturn enters the zodiac sign that falls immediately before an individual’s sign of birth, and continues during the time when Saturn will transit that sign and also the next 2 signs. As Saturn remains in a sign for about 2 ½ years, it takes a total of 7 ½ years to cross over the 3 zodiac signs. For instance, if a person’s zodiac sign is Taurus as per the time of his or her birth, then Sade Sati period will begin for that individual, every time Saturn enters the previous sign of Aries, and will continue for the time when Saturn transits through the next 2 signs of Taurus and Gemini.

Thus, a Sade Sati period consists of 3 phases of 2 ½ years each. A person will normally be required to undergo Sade Sati on more than one occasion in a lifetime.

Zodiac Signs and Sade Sati effects

While Saturn is regarded astrologically as an inauspicious planet, it can still remain benefic in respect of some zodiac signs. Planets Mercury and Venus are regarded as good friends of Sani Dev. Hence, when Saturn passes through the zodiac signs ruled by these friendly planets during Sade Sati, Sani is not expected to trouble the natives much, but may instead even prove beneficial for them. Such an advantage may hence result when Saturn transits through the Mercury ruled Gemini and Virgo, and the Venus ruled Taurus and Libra. Similarly, when Saturn transits through signs Capricorn and Aquarius, which are ruled by Sani himself, the positives may be much greater than the negatives. However, Saturn has his enemy planets too, and the signs ruled by them such as Aries, Cancer, Leo and Scorpio may face adverse Sani effects, on Saturn moving through them.

The Good and Bad of Sade Sati

World itself is a mixture of good and bad, and Sade Sati is no exception to this rule. Sade Sati is not an ‘all-bad-no-good’ period. For those born in some signs, this may not be that taxing and may even be beneficial at times, while some others may face both, good and not so-good fortunes in the different phases of the same Sade Sati period. It may only be for a very few, that the entire Sade Sati period may be tough and demanding. However, it is human nature to forget the good that one enjoyed and remember only the bad that one experienced. Hence, people often tend to remember only the negatives of Sade Sati and look at it with fear and trepidation.

Positive shades of Sade Sati

Saturn remains to be a dreaded planet, as he denotes justice and remains essentially, a tough taskmaster. He can make a person undergo the consequences of his good and bad actions, ruthlessly. He can make them struggle hard, bring in discipline in their lives and thus transform them into mature individuals.

People in general may have to face difficult times during this Saturn-governed Sade Sati, but the trials and tribulations that Shani may force them to experience, may actually strengthen their inner selves. These may teach them great lessons of life, and make them explore themselves thoroughly, realize their past mistakes, strengthen their resolve, and prepare them to face the difficulties of life with equanimity.

The good and the bad that one may face during Sade Sati is nothing but a reflection of our own karmas, the past deeds. It may be understood that in case of benefits that some people may reap, those are the results of their own past virtues that Shani is giving back to them. While in case of difficulties and sorrows, it is once again the consequences of their own sins, which the same Shani is forcing them to undergo, so that they can be purified through an ordeal by fire.

Through memorable experiences that he provides them in the form of Sade Sati, Shani can transform people into well-realized and mature individuals, and this can be called as the greatest of the positive shades of Sade Sati.For more :

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