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Astrology and Profession

Different people in the world possess different and distinct characteristics of their own. These are said to be governed by various factors like the date and time of birth, place of birth, birth star etc. The Zodiac Sign is also considered as one such important factor contributing to the personality traits.

Here, let us try to have some idea about the basic nature of the people born in the various Moon signs and about the job responsibilities and professions, that may suit them well, in life.

Aries : Aries (Mesha) is ruled by the aggressive Mars and thus, it remains a fiery sign. This denotes enthusiasm, adventure, ambition, dominance and leadership. Hence, the Aries born are likely to take up and do well in professions associated to the fields that have elements of adventure and power in them, like military, navy, police, sports, Industry, medicine, surgery, mechanical engineering, explosives, mining and geology etc.

Taurus : Taurus (Rishaba) is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and love. Taurus sign is stable and earthy, and stands for determination and perseverance. Hence, the Taurus born are likely to take up and shine in administrative job responsibilities like civil services, banking, civil engineering, hotel business, and also in fields like agriculture, mining and building construction.

Gemini : Gemini (Mithuna) is ruled by Mercury, the planet representing intellect and communication. Gemini is an airy sign, and denotes talent and versatility. Hence, the Gemini born are likely to do well in professions like scientists, mathematicians, lawyers, journalists, writers, lecturers, doctors etc.

Cancer : Cancer (Kataka) is ruled by the Moon, the lord of emotions. Cancer is a watery and moveable sign, that indicates sensitivity and imagination. Hence the people born in the sign of Cancer tend to remain basically as creative thinkers, and can do good work as artists, philosophers, historians, and also shine in the fields of shipping, sailing, farming, nursing, medicines and marketing.

Leo : Leo (Simha) is ruled by the all-powerful Sun. Leo thus remains a sign of authority and power. Leo is also a fiery and fixed sign that denotes animation and energy. Hence, the Leos will normally thrive in authoritative and influential positions like civil servants, CEOs of companies, army men, politicians, ambassadors, actors, sports stars etc.

Virgo : Virgo (Kanya) is ruled by planet Mercury, the symbol of intellect. Virgos are judicious, pragmatic and also shrewd. Virgo is also an earthy and dual sign, which makes the Virgo born persevering and also, quick decision-makers. These people can be good journalists, criminal lawyers, doctors, mathematicians, software experts etc.

Libra : Libra (Thula) is ruled by Venus, the symbol of beauty. Libra is also an airy and moveable sign. Librans are fundamentally extremely fair-minded, honest, gentle and kind, with a strong aesthetic sense. Hence they will make excellent judges, diplomats, artists, singers, actors, writers and even politicians.

Scorpio : Scorpio ( Vrichchika) is ruled by the aggressive Mars. This gives immense power to the Scorpios. Scorpio is also a watery and fixed sign. Courageous, passionate and proud, Scorpios will make it good as military commanders, police officials, chemical engineers, surgeons, detectives etc.

Sagittarius : Sagittarius (Dhanus) is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of thinking and learning. Sagittarius is also a fiery sign that provides energy to those born in it. Sagittarians are sincere, truthful, fair and generous. They are likely to be good as judges, lawyers, artists, health care workers, religious preachers etc.

Capricorn : Capricorn (Makara) is ruled by Saturn, the planet of Karma, the law of Cause and Effect. Capricorn is an earthy and moveable sign. The Capricorn born will be industrious, persistent and impartial. They can do well as professionals, building contractors, Homeopathy, Ayurveda or Orthopedic doctors, archeologists, agriculturists etc.

Aquarius : Aquarius (Kumbha) is also ruled by Saturn, the planet of Karma, the law of Cause and Effect. Aquarius is an airy and fixed sign. The Aquarians are intelligent and honest. Also being prudent and practical, they can make very good scientists, astronomers, automobile and aircraft engineers, computer hardware experts and also, philosophers.

Pisces : Pisces (Meena) is ruled by Jupiter, the thinking planet. Hence the Pisces born operate essentially on the mental plane. Pisces is also a watery and dual sign. All these attributes can make the Pisces born as good physicians, nurses, writers, naval officers, investment consultants etc.

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