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Sagittarius Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2017 in English

Sagittarius General Overview

With Saturn transiting in your Moon-sign, you will be in the thick of Sade-sati, which is a relatively tougher phase of life, all other things being equal. With your Moon-ascendant lord Jupiter also in an unfavorable house, you may be in for some difficult times for the better part of the year, until the Jupiter transit in September brings some measure of relief. Your health and career fortunes may be checkered. Matters on the home front could go awry. Friends could turn enemies. Your children may distance themselves. Still, thanks to Jupiter, you may find yourself lucky enough to get a second wind and close out the year on an optimistic note.

Sagittarius Health Forecast

Problems from body heat may be experienced. Phlegmatic complaints may wear you down. Dangers from addictive or poisonous substances are very possible. And beware of unnecessary travels that may tire you to the bone. With appropriate preventive measures, you can effectively reduce the physical and emotional drain.

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Sagittarius Financial Forecast

On the finances front, disputes over monetary transactions can arise. Your savings may get depleted. Nonetheless, a modicum of recovery may be possible toward the year-end. Avoid heavy money transactions especially during the first half of the year. Expense towards spiritual retreat or pilgrimage is seen. Domestic expenses may drain out your past savings.

Sagittarius Love and Romance Forecast

Harmony in love matters would become lesser as your significant other may turn bitter. It is better to avoid verbal duel and unpleasant talks to maintain peace. The latter part of the year may be favorable for romantic conquests and mending broken relationships.

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Sagittarius Business Forecast

There could be more expenses in the business front with July, August, September, and October being particularly vulnerable times. You are better off not loaning or lending any money this year. Business trips to foreign countries are likely.

Sagittarius Career Forecast

Career prospects may not be quite rosy for much of the year. Change of place or work can be expected. Change of status and position is strongly indicated. However, you will regain some lost ground before the year draws to a close.

Sagittarius Students Forecast

The first two-thirds of the year may not be congenial for educational excellence and fulfillment of your academic ambitions. But remember, hard work will always give its results.


Wear a necklace or bracelet of yellow-colored thread

Worship Guru with yellow flowers at temple every Thursday

Distribute free laddu balls or cooked chickpeas and rice at temple every Thursday

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